Beyond Algo Timeline


AW 1284 (SC 352.84)

Distrust of Mother Brain begins to grow in the highest ranks of the Palman government. A fear grows that Mother Brain will try to destroy the entire planet. After taking great pains to keep the operation a secret from Mother Brain, a small shuttle crewed by Palma's best engineers and mechanics is sent to the moon Dahlia. Their mission is to repair, refurbish, and ready the four hundred space ships lying idle on the satellite. Meanwhile, the government develops a plan for evacuating the whole population of Palma onto the ships if necessary.


Phantasy Star II

The population of Palma is able to escape from Palma aboard the four hundred spaceships. However, the refurbishment of the ships was incomplete. Several dozen of the ships fail almost immediately after take off. More yet are forced to land in remote regions of Motavia and Dezoris relatively unwatched by Mother Brain. One ship, Palman Sunrise, which Mium is aboard, becomes trapped in Motavian orbit when all of its systems, including life support, fail. Mium deactivates herself in despair. Another ship dies just outside of Dezoris' orbit, but the surviving passengers are saved when the space pirate Tyler passes by. The remainder of the ships fly out of the Algo system and towards a star system with an inhabitable planet preselected by Palman astronomers as the ships' final destination. However, the Dark Force fought by Rolf survives, slips out into space, and destroys the ships one by one. When the exodus fleet is whittled down to two surviving ships heading in opposite directions, Dark Force must choose one to destroy. He opts for the Alisa III, leaving the Neo Palm untouched.

AW 1285 (SC 352.85)

D'zkot kills Pai'tekkan K'Cren as well as his son and heir, Ran'tekkan K'Clanne, and becomes the new Pai'tekkan, or dictator, of Dezoris. However, before the New Order's plan to conquer all of Algo can be launched, D'zkot and his followers are destroyed by Rolf and his team.

Later, with Algo thrown into chaos by the destruction of Mother Brain, a group of technicians on Motavia scramble to find a solution. They decide to build a replacement computer for Mother Brain which they name "Daughter." However, before the Daughter Project can be completed and order restored, a fragment of the exploded Palma crashes into Motavia. The planet's environment is thrown into total chaos. The people are forced to concentrate on simple survival, and the Daughter project is abandoned. The remnant of Algoian civilization begins a terrifying downward spiral into an unprecedented dark age. This time comes to be known as "The Great Collapse." Lutz creates Soldier's Temple and Ladea Tower and places Noah's Wand, the Frad Mantle, and the sacred Prism inside so that they will be ready when darkness returns in another thousand years.

Meanwhile, aboard Alisa III, Dark Force causes a series of misunderstandings between different populations, resulting in the formation of two polarized factions. A man named Orakio, who will eventually come to lead one of the factions, meets a mysterious man named Seth. Seth becomes Orakio's friend, but is in fact Dark Force in disguise.

AW 1286 (SC 352.86)


The last android created by the pre-Collapse civilization is produced. The android, a Fuoren-model Wren-type, is placed on the satellite Zelan, which previously acted as a supplementary system to Mother Brain and Daughter. Through Wren's action, Zelan and its subsidiary Kuran are able to keep the environmental systems of Motavia and Dezoris functioning at a satisfactory level. Meanwhile, the AI control system of an underground biosystems lab below Zema gains access to the files on the Nei Project. This AI, whose name is Seed, begins to design his own "Nei Human" based upon the prototype research.

On the Alisa III, the tension stirred by Dark Force erupts into total war. One faction, composed primarily of scientists and scholars, is led by a biologist named Laya and her generals Alair and Lune. The "Layans" use biomonsters and constructs as weapons. The other faction is led by the mechanic Orakio, his brother Rulakir, and their generals Siren and Miun. The "Orakians" are composed of engineers and mechanics and use robots and androids to do much of their fighting. As the war progresses, most of the ship's occupants are slaughtered and the civilization aboard the ship sinks to an almost medieval level.

AW 1287 (SC 352.87)

Rulakir falls ill with the Black Energy Wave sickness after a meeting with "Seth."

AW 1288 (SC 352.88)

Lutz passes away. But before he does, he transfers his memory and will into the "Telepathy Ball," a magical artifact he has created. Lutz's chosen successor then communes with the Telepathy Ball and inherits all of Lutz's knowledge. Lutz's successor takes the title of "Lutz" out of respect for his old master and continues Lutz's fight against the darkness.

"Second to Final Meeting"

AW 1289 (SC 352.89)

Orakio and Laya meet face to face at a decisive battle. When they are stranded together and are forced to talk to one another, it becomes apparent to both that they have been deceived by "Seth," who has been working as a double agent. Once they are rescued by their respective armies, the two hold a secret meeting with their top generals and make a plan for stopping Seth. Once the plan is enacted, Seth reveals that he is truly Dark Force. Orakio and Laya set their final, desperate contingency plan into action. The plan includes the stationing of Lune and Alair on Dahlia, one of Alisa III's artificial moons; Siren will be placed on Azura, the other satellite of Alisa III. Layalyn is stationed in a secret area beneath Aridia. Miun is put near the Aridian town of Hazatak, to act as a guardian for Layalyn and the satellite control system. Also, the tunnels between the domes of Alisa III are sealed. Though the cost of the plan is high, Orakio and Laya succeed in defeating Dark Force. However, they disappear during the fighting, and neither of them are ever seen again.

"On Fragile Ground"

With Dark Force and the leaders of both factions gone, the Devastation War begins to wind down. However, the fighting never completely stops in domes where Orakians and Layans coexist.

AW 1490 (SC 344.90)

Miun is severely damaged when she is caught in the crossfire of a battle between Layans and Orakians. The Moon Stone and Moon Tear, which Miun was to use to awaken Siren, Lune, and Alair when Dark Force next appeared, are lost, with one stone falling into the hands of each faction. Miun's mind is severely damaged and she begins to wander aimlessly, half-crazed.

AW 1528 (SC 345.28)

Miun stumbles upon the one Orakian town in Aridia dome and slaughters every resident, thinking them to be Layans who are holding Orakio captive. When she realizes that she has killed Orakians, she seeks out the one Layan town in Aridia and destroys it also, leaving only the android town of Hazatak in the desert dome.

AW 1960 (SC 359.60)


The android which has been in control of Nurvus, the chief environmental control system on Motavia, begins to die. He creates a new android as a replacement, names her Demi, and places her in the care of Wren. Demi resumes her predecessor's duties.

AW 2199 (SC 361.99)

Raja is born in Jut on Dezoris.

AW 2245 (SC 362.99)

The Dark Force who will meet Chaz Ashley in the guise of a man named "Seth" is created by the Profound Darkness.

AW 2254 (SC 362.54)

Rune Walsh is born in Esper Mansion on Dezoris.

AW 2256 (SC 362.56)

Alys "The Eight-Stroke Sword" Brangwin is born in Aiedo on Motavia.

AW 2260 (SC 362.60)

Hahn Murray is born in Krup on Motavia.

AW 2263 (SC 362.63)

Lyle is born in Shusoran on Alisa III, Aquatica Dome.

AW 2264 (SC 362.64)


Rhys is born in Landen on Alisa III, Landen Dome. Lena is born in Satera on Alisa III, Landen Dome. Maia is born in Cille on Alisa III, Aquatica Dome.

AW 2265 (SC 362.65)

Gryz is born in Molcum on Motavia.

AW 2266 (SC 362.66)

Kyra Tierney is born in Esper Mansion on Dezoris.

AW 2268 (SC 362.68)

Chadwick "Chaz" Ashley is born in Tiria on Motavia.

AW 2272 (SC 362.72)

Rune Walsh becomes the Reverent Fifth Lutz.

AW 2273 (SC 362.73)

Alys Brangwin joins the Aiedo Hunter's Guild.

AW 2274 (SC 362.75)

Alys Brangwin meets Rune Walsh through Grandfather Dorin, a Motavian elder. The two become fast friends and go on a variety of adventures together.

AW 2278 (SC 362.78)

Alys Brangwin arrests a child on the streets of Tiria for stealing bread. Alys takes the boy, an orphan named Chaz Ashley, under her wing. She trains him in the ways of hunting, teaches him about right and wrong, and raises him as her little brother.

AW 2282 (SC 362.82)

Zio, a young man from the town of Zema, has a vision of Dark Force in a dream. After that he becomes obsessed with his vision and tries to convince those around him that the being he dreamt of was the true God. Dark Force eventually appears to Zio and offers the young man a set of armor. When Zio dons the armor, he is granted true magical ability and placed completely under Dark Force's control. Zio journeys to Kadary where Dark Force creates a fortress for him. Zio's charisma and fiery sermons quickly earn him an army of followers. Construction on the "Church of Elmfalz" begins in Kadary.


Ryan is born in Endora on Alisa III, Draconia Dome.

AW 2283 (SC 362.83)

Rika, a Nei Human or "Numan," is created by Seed. She is the product of Seed's nearly one thousand years of work on the Neifirst prototype. Seed proceeds to raise Rika like a daughter and, with the assistance of Wren and Demi, gives her an intensive education. In Kadary, construction on Zio's "Church of Elmfalz" is finished.

On Alisa III, Princess Maia of Cille is sailing about the Aquatica Sea on her private boat. However, a sudden ice storm comes up and the boat is lost. When Maia awakens she has been brought via an underground channel to Landen Dome. She is also suffering from almost complete amnesia, remembering only her name and the fact that she is a princess. She is discovered on the beach amid planks of driftwood by Prince Rhys of Landen, and the two fall in love with each other at first sight. This happens despite the fact that, since childhood, Rhys has been engaged to the princess of Satera, whom he has never met. Meanwhile, a horrible winter falls over Aquatica Dome, caused by a malfunction in the Alisa III's weather control system.

AW 2284 (SC 362.84)

The Palman Sunrise, which has long been locked in a decaying orbit over Motavia, finally crashes into the desert north of Nalya. Soon after, the weapons plant on Dezoris spontaneously reactivates.

Phantasy Star IV


Phantasy Star III - Rhys' Quest

Ayn Thea Sari

Ayn is born in Cille on Alisa III, Aquatica Dome, to Rhys and Maia. Thea is born in Shusoran on Alisa III, Aquatica Dome, to Lyle and his wife. Sari is born in Satera on Alisa III, Landen Dome, to Lena and her husband Saerin, who dies soon after.


Nial is born in Landen on Alisa III, Landen Dome, to Rhys and Lena. (Nial's world only)

AW 2285 (SC 362.85)

Mieu and Wren secretly create an android called "Frey" to help them protect the family of Rhys. Frey, passing himself off as a Layan (and with much assistance from Mieu and Wren), secures a position at the royal court of Cille.

AW 2286 (SC 362.86)

Chaz Ashley, Rika, Hahn Murray, and Gryz travel about Motavia. Their mission is to form a coalition of town elders and mayors so that together they might come up with a plan for dealing with the Rappy crop-destroying crisis.

AW 2287 (SC 362.87)

With the help of Wren, Chaz and the others reprogram and reactivate Daughter so that they can get her assistance in handling the Rappy problem. Even after the crisis is over, the coalition of mayors continues to meet to hammer out other inter-town problems. Daughter begins assisting Demi and Wren in the stabilization of the Algoian ecology.

AW 2288 (SC 362.88)

Chaz Ashley and Rika are married. Hahn Murray and Saya are married.

AW 2290 (SC 362.90)

Lena becomes Queen of Landen after Rhys' father, the old king, passes away.

AW 2297 (SC 362.97)

Lune, Alair, and Siren are awakened as a result of the changing of the moons' orbits during Rhys' quest. Lune and Siren, adversely influenced by Dark Force, desire revenge and seek a way to restart the Devastation War.

AW 2298 (SC 362.98)

Lena dies. Sari becomes Queen of Landen.

AW 2299 (SC 362.99)

Phantasy Star III - Ayn's Quest

"A Woman Scorned"

"I Am Not a Mirage"

"Bantam Roosters"


Sean is born on Azura, artificial satellite of Alisa III, to Ayn and Thea.

Crys is born in Landen on Alisa III, Landen Dome, to Ayn and Sari. (Crys' world only)


Kara is born on Dahlia, artificial satellite of Alisa III, to Lune and an unknown woman.

AW 2300 (SC 363.00)

The coalition of mayors on Motavia formalizes itself and becomes the Motavian Assembly. Although each town retains its autonomy, a set of laws are passed that are binding in each country. Chadwick Ashley, who is largely responsible for the creation of the Assembly, is elected to act as the Assembly's chairman.

AW 2301 (SC 362.01)

A son, Lui, is born to Chadwick and Rika. A team of archeologists led by Hahn discovers the deactivated Mium in the ruin of Palman Sunrise. Mium is reactivated and taken to Wren on Zelan. At Mium's own request, she is put into stasis.

Alair, upset by the rage expressed by her brother Lune, goes to the Orakian kingdom of Divisia in search of a truce. However, she is arrested on sight and accused of being a spy.

AW 2302 (SC 362.02)

The Sari-Lune War begins when Lune attacks and razes Satera.

Phantasy Star III - Nial's Quest (Nial's world only)

Adan and Gwyn are born in Landen on Alisa III, Landen Dome, to Nial and Layalyn. (Adan's world only)

Aron is born on Dahlia, artificial satellite of Alisa III, to Nial and Alair. (Aron's world only)


Kara is born on Dahlia, artificial satellite of Alisa III, to Lune and Thea. (Nial's world only)

AW 2317 (SC 363.18)


"The Cost of War"

Phantasy Star III - Sean's Quest


Phantasy Star III - Crys' Quest (Crys' world only)

AW 2320 (SC 363.20)

The Motavian Assembly continues to evolve and becomes a unified governing body over the entire planet. Chadwick, now fifty-two, who still acts as the Assembly's chairman, becomes Governor of Motavia.

Thea Ryan

"Casting the Stones" (Nial's world only)

Phantasy Star III - Adan's Quest (Adan's world only)

Phantasy Star III - Aron's Quest (Aron's world only)


AW 2550 (SC 365.50)

After studying the design of the spaceship Landale, Wren of Zelan successfully creates his own spaceship, which he calls Landale II. Wren presents a few Landale II ships to the governments of Motavia and Dezoris. Slowly, space travel returns to Algo.

AW 2755 (SC 367.55)

Wren realizes that if another crisis should ever befall Algo, he and Demi might very well be too busy guiding the restoration of the Algo system to effectively combat the new threat. Wren studies the records Seed left on the process of creating Numans, and eventually he succeeds in creating a Numan of his own. The artificially-created embryo is born naturally from a Palman biologist who often works with Wren, Victorica Mallos. In honor of an ancient creation story, Victorica names her daughter "Eve."

AW 3000 (SC 370.00)

After a transitional period of several decades, the governments of Motavia and Dezoris merge.

AW 3380 (SC 373.80)

A mining colony is started on the asteroid that will form the core of the artificial planet Palm II.

AW 3578 (SC 375.78)

The "New Palma" plan is launched. The goal of the plan is to create an artificial planet with a complete and functional ecosystem. However, the plan is abandoned shortly thereafter when it is realized that the resources and technology necessary to complete the plan are simply unavailable.

AW 3584 (SC 375.84)

The Algoians begin exploring space outside of the Algo system.

AW 3592 (SC 375.92)

First contact is made between Algoians and an extra-Algoian race.

AW 3609 (SC 376.09)

The ancient Kuran station is refurbished and opened as a "port of entry" for ships coming and going through the Algo system.

AW 3626 (SC 376.26)

A group of Motavian settlers found a colony on the desert planet Trask, which orbits the star Vendai near Algo.

AW 3658 (SC 376.58)

A group of Dezorians found a colony on Stoi'ra, icy moon of the planet Stoi'la IV which also orbits Vendai.

AW 3956 (SC 379.56)

The "Palm II" plan is launched. The plan is similar to the failed "New Palma" project but is even more ambitious. This time, fortunately, the materials necessary to complete the plan are readily available.

AW 4096 (SC 380.96)

Celendra Walsh

Celendra Walsh, the Reverent Tenth Lutz, leaves the sacred sword Elsydeon at Gumbious Temple. Shortly thereafter she vanishes, never to be seen again.

AW 4126 (SC 381.26)

Tidal Systems

The palmaforming of Palm II's surface begins.

AW 4245 (SC 382.45)


Elm Dubaray is born in a nomadic Motavian camp on Motavia.

AW 4255 (SC 382.55)

Tiro Urbanich is born in Ryuon on Dezoris.

AW 4259 (SC 382.59)


Erol Grant is born in Piata West on Motavia.

AW 4260 (SC 382.60)

Dahl Azur

While Wren of Zelan is creating his next Numan, the embryo splits. The result is the birth of twins: Dahlia and Azura Mallos.

AW 4266 (SC 382.66)

A daughter Lisa is born to the Landians Alec and Mina.

AW 4267 (SC 382.67)

A daughter Serah is born to the Landians Alec and Mina.

AW 4268 (SC 382.68)

While Alec is away and Mina is hanging laundry in the backyard, Lisa and Serah wander out of their house and vanish into the surrounding wasteland.

AW 4280 (SC 382.80)

Dahlia, Azura, and Erol all graduate from Piata West University with the highest of honors.

AW 4283 (SC 382.83)

A seemingly mute and dumb girl is found wandering about in Landian territory. The girl is eventually identified as the long-missing Lisa. Lisa is reunited with her family.

AW 4284 (SC 382.84)

Dahl and Erol

Phantasy Star: Beyond Algo


AW 8654 (SC 426.54)


Part One of the Timeline