Contingency Plans Dezorian Guide

Several Dezorian words are used during the course of this story. Those words and their meanings, as well as their spelling in Dezorian, have been listed below. For a more complete guide to the Dezorian language, please refer to Mike Ripplinger's The Dezorian Dictionary page.

This story also draws upon several elements from Mike's story Agent's Destiny. I highly recommend reading Agent's Destiny. Not only will you appreciate the following story more fully if you are already familiar with Mike's work, but Agent's Destiny is simply one of the greatest works of fanfiction ever written. I promise you, you will enjoy it.

List of Dezorian Terms

Aukba (^uukbu)
capital city of the native Dezorian government; also the flagship of the native government's modest space fleet
kem'pallah (caampala)
a tall class-denoting hat worn by all Dezorians
Pai'tekkan (piitek^en)
the highest-ranking officer in the Dezorian government; supereme dictator over all native-controlled territory on Dezoris and its moon, Wellzgoom
Rez'tekkan (reTtek^en)
the highest-ranking officer in the Dezorian space program and the third-highest ranking officer in the Dezorian native government
s'dkin (sidkin)
one of four installations on Dezoris collectively known, for various reasons, as the "torture palaces"

Begin the story.