The Strangers We Know -- Part Three

Out in the hallway, Mium asked Azur, "I noticed that the first names of both your sister and yourself are in an ancient Palman tongue."

"Yes, that's right," Azur said. "It's Palmalatin, to be exact. It's the only dead Palman language from BW times that we still have surviving records of."

"Oh, really? That's a shame," Mium said. "Some of the old languages were truly beautiful. I retain complete records of them. I could share them with your Department if you'd like."

"That would be wonderful!" Azur exclaimed as the two reached another chute that led upwards to the Research Department. "Our father is a historian. He'd be simply fascinated by the studies you could provide."

"I figured he must be a historian," Mium said as they emerged from the chute two stories above their prior location. "Only a historian would name his children dah leea, 'nocturnal beauty,' and azhu ra, 'blue moon.'"

"They are unusual names, but they suit us, especially me," Azur said, running her fingers through her short sapphire hair.

"What will I be researching, exactly?" Mium asked after a moment.

"Oh, you won't be researching, Mium. We will be researching you. The records of old Palma's climate and geography are so old, and incomplete, too. You'll be filling in the gaps."

"Very well," Mium said. "I look forward to beginning!"

Erol had been needed back at Climatrol, leaving Dahl almost an hour free before her dinner date, pending no important developments occurred. She had decided to log into Son's vast databank of information and spend her free time learning about Mium and the world she had come from.

"Greetings, Dr. Dahlia Mallos," said Son's soft voice as Dahl logged into the system. "How are you this afternoon?"

"Oh, I'm just fine, Son. I want to do some research on the Mieu-type androids."

"Ah, yes, this Mieu-type which has just come to Palm II is very old, is she not?"

"Indeed she is. Three thousand and twelve years old, I believe she said."

"That would make her one of the later Mieu-types," Son said thoughtfully. "There were ten series of Mieu-types, the first of which was produced in AW 1251. They were primarily combat androids used for law enforcement, and then, later on, biomonster hunting. Oddly enough, the Mieu-types never left Palm, whereas Wren-types, Demi-types, Polezi-types, and others became common throughout Algo prior to the Great Collapse."

"What were the later Mieu-types designed for?" Dahl asked.

"Series I through Series VI were all combat-oriented," Son answered. "Beginning with Series VII, the Mieu-types' functions were expanded. Many were used to monitor and maintain Mother Brain's delicate climate control and lifeform production systems on Palm, as well as Mota and Dezo, although the androids never actually left their world of origin."

"Like Mium," Dahl whispered.

"That is correct, from what I understand."

"Son, all of the android types were named after someone, correct?"

"That is correct. Wren-types were named for Alec Wrenner, the inventor of the android positronic brain, which replaced the simple brains used in the robotcops which were the dominant pre-android AI. Demi-types were named for Demi Hernandez, the inventor of the first empathics-capable androids, which were, consequently, the Demi-types. Polezi-types --"

"But what about the Mieu-types?" Dahl interjected impatiently.

"The Mieu-types were named for Mieuellen Dern, a Scionian general from the Great Palman War."

"The what? Forgive me, Son. I'm not a historian, like Azur. You have to be more...explanatory with me."

"It is all right. Part of my function is as a library computer. The Great Palman War was a brutal conflict that decimated much of old Palm. It began in BW 23 and lasted until AW 0. The new AW calendar was begun in memory of the war's end. After the war, a renaissance unequaled in all of Algoian history occurred on Palma. It was during this cultural revival that the position of King of Palma, later King of Algo, was founded. Space travel also originated in this time. It was first perfected in AW 84..."

"Yes, please tell me more about this...Mieu Dern?"

"Mieuellen Dern is believed to have been born in the country of Scion circa BW 51. Note that old Palm was divided into nation-states before the war. The Great Palman War began as a border dispute between Scion, Mieuellen Dern's homeland, and the neighboring country of Camnilot, Palm's most powerful nation-state. Mieuellen Dern enrolled in the Scionian army shortly after the war broke out and quickly rose to the rank of general. She led the Scionian-Eppinese assault on the Camnilottian city of Parolit in BW 11, where she was lost in battle."

"But why were the Mieu-types named after such an obscure historical figure, from ancient history at that? Androids were always named after those that either created or improved them... Why were the Mieu-types different?"

A beep. "That much I do not know. It is believed, however, that the Mieu-types were designed to look like General Mieuellen Dern. Photographs of her still existed in the pre-Collapse era." A beep. "I am afraid that this is the end of my datathread on Mieu-type androids."


"Yes, Dr. Mallos?"

"Who first designed the Mieu-types?"

A beep. "That information is not in my logs. Perhaps you should consult Mieu Mium on this matter."


"This leads to a question, Dr. Mallos. Why did you not simply ask Mieu Mium about these issues instead of consulting me, knowing that my databank might not contain the information you queried for?"

A pause. "I have work to do, Son. We will speak later."

"As you like it, Dr. Mallos. Have a pleasant evening."

Another beep. Then nothing.

Dahl and Erol

It was dusk. The star which was Algo was half-hidden by the lapping waves of the still unnamed sea to the west of the Labs. Dahl sat atop the same hill she and Erol had visited that morning, and her back was against the same tree, only she was now facing the opposite direction. She heard a whirring sound and knew that someone had just come up to the surface via the chute. Dahl looked over her shoulder and saw Erol approaching.

"I apologize," he said. "Azur told me that you waited for half an hour. And after what happened this morning, about thinking you had forgotten, I... I'm sorry, Dahl, that I missed dinner."

Dahl stood and looked Erol in the eyes for a long moment. He was so sorry. Erol could not lie to save his life, so Dahl knew that the emotion written on his face was not feigned. Besides, their relationship had evolved to the point where sometimes Dahl could swear that she felt Erol's very soul. She embraced him, tighter than she ever had before.

"Oh, Erol, it's okay. Not that I wasn't disappointed I didn't see you, but...that's not why I'm out here."

Erol pushed his face back so that he could look at Dahl more easily. "Then why? Did something happen?"

Dahl took Erol's hand, and the two sat down next to each other and watched Algo sink behind an infant horizon.

"No. Not really. It's about the Mieu."

Erol was surprised. "What about her?"

"She's an 'it,' not a 'her.'"

"Ouch, Dahl, that's kind of harsh. Mium tells me that Mieu-types are empathics-capable androids. They have feelings." Erol added, more quietly, "They're not..."

Dahl faced Erol. She was angry, but not at him. "Not what? Not like Wren? Is that what you were going to say?"

Erol's face fell and he stared out at the sea again.

Dahl put her head on his shoulder. "Now it's my turn to apologize. I'm sorry, Erol. But there are just some things I don't like to talk about, and what happened with...Wren is one of them. And now, there are other things, things that don't quite fit."

"About Mium?" Erol asked.

"Not necessarily just Mium. I looked up some history about the Mieu-types with Son after you went back to Climatrol this afternoon. Did you know that much of their history is gone? I mean, I couldn't even find out who made them!"

"Well now, that's odd..."

"And you know what else? They aren't even named after their creator. They're named after Mieuellen something-something, a Palman general from thousands and thousands of years ago!"

"What?" Erol was perplexed. "But why?"

"I don't know! Son said the data is nowhere in his logs, and he's networked with Daughter, and you know what kind of data she's got..."

"She's been here ever since the Collapse. She knows everything. Everything that came before and everything after."

"Right. So if Daughter doesn't even know..."

"That would mean that the data had to have been purposefully erased from the network's databank."

"Impossible," Dahl said. "Only three people have access to the data storage system. One is the Governor of Algo at Algo Control, on Mota. Another is the Bishop of the Faith on Dezo. And the third..."

" you," Erol whispered.

"Right. Which leads me to believe that no one ever had access to the data about the Mieu-types' origins."

"But who could have hidden it? And why?"

Dahl shrugged. "I don't know... But I intend to find out!"

Part Four