Adventure Time: Pirates of the Enchiridion (Switch) patch notes (1 April 2019)
? (9 November 2018)
? (22 September 2018)
Backing out of using the backpack after selecting a different item than the healing flasks could cause the menu to lock up during the combat tutorial.
When quitting/closing the game during the combat defeat screen, the health of a player is now restored properly when resuming the game. This now resolves issues when re-engaging in combat.
Game no longer occasionally hangs after defeating bosses in combat.
Game no longer randomly hangs when using abilities/attacks/items during combat.
Defeated Fire Kingdom boss no longer appears in other battle arenas.
Game no longer occasionally fails to load combat scenes.
Removed duplicate sky in training / combat scenes in the Evil Forest.
It is no longer possible to pick up an NPC that another party member is already carrying which then leads to gameplay difficulties.
Marceline's hat is now placed correctly on the ground when combat starts if a party member is holding it when combat is triggered.
Occasional bug where users can skip the delivery of Marceline's hat cutscene is now fixed. If Jake delivers the hat, the cutscene starts when Finn arrives.
The game no longer crashes during the "Collect the heat cores" quest when the Marceline only section begins.
Switching between party members on the steps of the Candy Kingdom Castle will no longer cause them to fall and get stuck.
Party members no longer sound like they are falling when jumping on treasure chests in the Evil Forest and the Candy Kingdom.
Morphing into Jake's scooter form has extra checks added to prevent it from being pushed out of the world.
Pirate ships won't respawn once they've been defeated.
Kraken music will now always stop playing once the kraken submerges.
Reduced random hangs and loading issues that happen in the game after an interrogation has been completed.
Switch only
UI not showing up after applying the day 1 patch.
Progress no longer potentially blocked after updating the game.
New functionality for selecting side quests from the map to appear on the HUD.
Current dosh amount is now displayed in the pause menu / hero manual.
After completing the Pest Control side quest the area will be cleared of Varmints.
Extra health rewards added to Evil Forest before important fight.
BMO lock hacking ability now has new electric visuals and audio.
Improved drop off locations for Candy Kids outside the Candy Kingdom for side quest Cool, Calm and Collected. Improved drop off locations for Penguins at Treehouse for the side quest This is Gunter take a while.
The portal leading to the quest Pickled Herring will no longer be active once the quest has been completed.
Text stating that you found a page of the Enchiridion will now appear when finding new character abilities.
Falling into the cold dark of the belly of the beast will now respawn you to the nearest location you fell from.
Fixed missing ice VFX for Banana Guard ice attacks.
Fixed Prismo's dialogue text size.
Fixed the Sword of Lighteousness icon to not appearing in the quest-complete graphic.