Fixed a small ending-related visual bug if the grid is enabled.
Fixed a rather severe oversight where certain rules were adding events to the undo buffer in the wrong order, causing errors.
Added an additional check for situations where the player would've cleared an area but due to e.g. level repositioning between versions didn't get the flower for it.
Fixed a bug where floating Baba and a weak Wall would have a mystery interaction.
In certain cases where the game would freeze, it displays a special effect instead (this'll be expanded on and it might not appear in the game at the moment).
Large underlying code reworking related to conditionals, not relevant in the game right now but it's work for the future.
Related to the above, conditionals with parameters behave in an equivalent way whether the condition has a Not or not.
Fixed the word Facing not accepting directional words.
Related to above, made Empty Is work mostly as intended.
Fixed "Empty Is X" particle effects appearing everywhere even if Empty had a conditional word.
Added guest credits to "Across". Apologies to Corey Martin for missing that when adding the level.
New option in the settings menu! You can now disable screenshake.
There's a new secret thing in the game!
A certain map now has a clear counter like other maps, so you can actually fully finish it. This should retroactively activate if you've already cleared the map.
Changed the way the level selector works. This shouldn't affect the playing experience apart from one level adjustment listed below. If you note new bugs with the level selector, I'm very interested in knowing about them.
If you'd try to enter two levels at once, the game now opens a menu to pick from.
Added a visual indicator for movement that "fails" (i.e. ends up not moving the object). So if Baba moves against a Shifting object, you'll now get a small visual indicator that some movement happened.
Fixed a buggy cutscene.
You can now use "Return to map" in a new spot.
Fixed a slightly annoying error with how the map cursor is positioned in certain rare situations.
Fixed a level selection -related bug.
Fixed a particular Win-condition not working.
Fixed a rare conditional statement not working.
Fixed a case of the player not being able to enter a level despite having the map cursor on them.
Fixed a case of the game trying to enter an erroneous level in certain circumstances.
Fixed a case of the game ignoring a level if it thought you were trying to enter two levels at once.
Fixed the game storing sub-second frame timing data improperly; not very important but I guess the game tracks your playtime more accurately now.
Fixed a graphical glitch in an ending-related thing.
Fixed a case where the borders of the levels were considered Empty.
Fixed a rare bug relating to an endgame conditional word.
Languages! The game now supports 13 languages, with more coming later. Note that the translations only affect the UI and menus; the graphics are English-only. We tried hard to look into localizing it all but it would've been too massive of an undertaking. (Please report any issues with the translations, be it on Steam or in-game!)
You can now see the version ID in the bottom-left corner of the main menu! Relatedly, I moved away from the two-letter version naming scheme because it could've been confusing.
The game will get an official level editor in 2020! I'll make a flashier announcement about that in a bit. Anyway, there have been some underlying changes in preparation for that.
Levels adjusted/changed
Collaborative effort
Tectonic Movements
Seeking Acceptance
Heavy Cloud (this might actually be a large change)
Keke And The Star
The Heist
Maritime Adventures
Elusive condition
Floodgates (used to have tons of rules, adjusted the level to have the same idea with less fixed rules)
A Way Out?
Another Way
Meteor Strike
Triplets (a large unintended solution)
Rocky Road (changed Foliage to Rocks to keep the name sensible)
Hidden Path
Out At Sea (added water that I had removed during development for the name to make some sense)
Tunnel (the level didn't utilize the intended mechanic)
Added Lovely House to where Skull House used to be.
Some underlying work for potential future features.
The Linux build should work again.
Replaced Secure Cottage with Fireplace.
New level: Pillarwork! Located where Fireplace used to be.
New option to disable particle effects.
Shuffled levels a bit in Cavern.
Fixed a colourization error in one of the endings.
Fixed the area completion effect not staying in the correct place in some cases.
Made background particles appear & disappear correctly when toggling the corresponding option in the settings menu.
You can now adjust the game's window size when in windowed mode by pressing Control + 1/2/3 etc (this might become a proper settings option eventually).
Fixed a crash in Ultimate Maze (probably not fully).
Reduced Garden's required level count for clearing.
Fixed background particles in one particular case appearing wrong.
Added 3 new levels! I'll try to refrain from adding any more because that's not very elegant, but here we are for now. You can find one of them in Rocket Trip as a variant for Horror Story.
Changed "Force default colours" to "Force high-contrast colours" and made the setting use a slightly altered palette. This'll be adjusted further in the future if needed.
"Fixed" a bug with Empty (that is, added a solution that doesn't fix it fully but makes it less of an issue).
Started implementing a larger code structure related to Empty in preparation for future use and to fix a particular bug.
Swapped the order of Garden's extra levels since it makes much more sense that way.
Made control icon positioning work even if the player adjusts the zoom type during gameplay.
Added a pause menu control hint to Where Do I Go?.
Fixed level numbering in a lategame area.
Fixed the level cursor not recognizing a level in certain situations.
Fixed the undo & restart tips appearing wrong.
Got All This Stuff Here completely redesigned! The old puzzle was broken in multiple ways and caused crashes. The replacement is called Ruined Orchard.
Adventurers redesigned; the idea is the same but in a less frustrating configuration.
Actually fixed the undo/restart message.
Fixed multiple syntaxes that worked despite not being supposed to (Baba Not Is You and so on).
Fixed completed level outline effect appearing wrong for some players.
Made certain directional rulewords work slightly more consistently.
Made certain secrets behave more consistently.
Fixed a rare inconsistency in how Tele works.
Changed the way the game writes text in preparation for potential translations.
Fixed a situation where an object didn't have a corresponding word.
Added a safety measure in cases where the game doesn't know where to load the player into.
Fixed an issue where the game skipped the intro in certain circumstances.
Fixed an issue with undoing a Floating object being destroyed.
Fixed the area completion effect not staying in the right position in certain cases.
Fixed a case where the pause menu might not render text properly.
The game checks certain rules more thoroughly when you start a level.
Fixed a very very rare crash that mostly affected only my own development work.
Added a safety feature that makes the game not break if the player's files are encoded in ANSI and not UTF-8.
Fixed the final instance of inconsistent level placement.
Fixed a couple cornercases with conditional rules.
Made certain lategame visual elements easier to read.
Fixed a very specific functionality related to Open/Shut.
Level adjustments
Dead End
Lock the Door
Vital Ingredients
A Way Out?
Another Way
Ghost Friend
Horror Story
Heavy Cloud
Torn Apart
Grand Stream
Tectonic Movements
Power Generator
Bottleneck (adjusted to be slightly more forgiving)
Seeking Acceptance
Lovely House (removed a potential red herring)
Skull House (removed a potential red herring)
Heavy Words (removed a confusing extra structure)
Got All This Stuff Here (see above)
Adventurers (see above)
Rocky Road (tiny readability improvement)
Thicket (made Make's functionality easier to figure out)
Meta (just a small readability adjustment)
Hostile Environment (not extremely happy about this adjustment)