Added option to swap joystick controls. This was a frequently requested feature for those who wanted throttle and rudder control on the right stick, and aileron and elevator control on the left stick.
Added option for arcade controls. This puts all the movement (aileron, elevator, rudder) on one stick and throttle on the other. This is similar to the controls for single Joy-Con.
Single Joy-Con controls have been improved and better mapped. SL will be used exclusively for maneuvers and SR will be used exclusively for Ultimate, Group Up, and Camera Targeting. This should prevent players from accidentally triggering maneuvers while trying to use their Ultimate.
Added a slider for rumble strength. Players can now use a slider in the options menu to set the rumble strength.
Player planes now play death animations when killed. Shooting the wings off your friends in multiplayer is now possible.
Players can now set their control options in the multiplayer plane select screen. When selecting your plane, players can press X to bring up their options menu. This will allow players to setup all of their controls before the match has started.
A fast forward button has been added to the Loot Box screen. Holding R or SR in the Loot Box screen will now increase the speed of the opening animations.
Triplane and Albatros D1 legendary effects improved. The fireworks on the Triplane and explosions on the Albatros D1 now have some great lighting effects.
Balance Changes
Escort planes health bonus reduced 2 > 1.5.
Escort planes can be targeted by more enemies.
AI min damage modifier increased 0.15 > 0.2.
AI min collision damage increased 50 > 75.
Sharpshooter challenge removes aim assist instead of reducing it.
Hardened challenge: AI health increased 1.5 > 1.65.
Hardened challenge: AI damage increased 1.25 > 1.75.
Hardened challenge: AI turn speed increased 1.2 > 1.3.
Canvas Knight challenge: Damage Taken increased 1.5 > 2.
Fixed a save issue that caused a crash for certain players.
Fixed aileron and rudder animations.
Rudder animation is now controlled by the rudder input.
Credits/Final screen of the game is improved.
Low health effect is turned off when a player is dead.
Tutorial video sound effect fixed for Pilot skills tutorial.
Return to the Fight text turns off once the player is dead.
Fixed issue with camera rotating in single Joy-con mode in menus.
Fixed missing “DX” from title in Switch menu.
UI animation fixes.
Fixed a bug that would turn the crosshair on in death animation if the player dies in targeting mode.
Fixed a bug that played audio when player hit the exit ring in the practice range.
Removed audio filter for entering clouds in multiplayer.
Players can pause the game while they are dead in multiplayer.