Background Information

Algo -- Time and Place

Phantasy Star: Beyond Algo takes place in the year AW 4284, two thousand years after Phantasy Star IV. The first few centuries of this two millennia elapse were a time of great struggle and hardship. The people of Algo, free of the tyranny of Dark Force, found themselves on the brink of a new age. A greater interest was sparked in science and technology and a drive towards the betterment of life spread across both Mota and Dezo. In AW 2550, the android Wren on Zelan invented a new type of spacecraft, one which was surprisingly quick and simple to build and could clear the interplanetary distances easily. Soon after, travel and trade between the two worlds began. By the AW 3000s, the cultures of Algo had more or less integrated into a single Algoian society which had a common language (standard Palman) and a common religion (a new belief-system composed of both the traditional Dezorian faith and the one which had thrived on Palma for centuries, reintroduced to Algo by the Espers, who had never forgotten it).

In AW 3000, the Governor of Mota and Bishop of Gumbious on Dezo signed a pact which merged their two governments into one. Each planet retained a governor (with the Dezorian one also acting as Bishop of the Faith), and there was also a democratically-elected Governor of Algo. These three rulers formed the Algo Council of Leaders, an executive body which worked beside the Algoian Assembly, a legislative body, which was composed of representatives from each of the different districts on the two planets. When Palm II was created and the extra-Algoian colonies were founded, they too were given governors and seats in the Assembly. The Esper Lutz also served on the Council of Leaders, although the Espers held no additional seats in the Assembly.

In the early AW 3000s, Wren and his assistant Demi brought sweeping new climate controls to Mota and Dezo. These climate systems are maintained by Daughter, a massive computer which monitors nearly everything in Algo but is subordinate to the will of the people and their government, unlike her predecessor, the infamous Mother Brain.

The Worlds of Algo

Palm II

Palm II, the first planet of the Algo system, is not a natural formation. The entire world, except for its core, is manmade. One could never tell from outer space, due to the lush, temperate, and inhabited surface, but the underground of Palm II is a honeycomb of laboratories and construction centers which further the work on the as of yet unfinished planet. Palm II's environment is designed to be a nearly perfect replica of old Palma's.


Motavia, more commonly known as Mota, is the second planet of the Algo system and the cultural and political center of Algoian civilization. The Governor of Algo, Council of Leaders, and Algoian Assembly all meet in Aiedo, the capital of Mota. The Governor of Mota works here as well. Mota was originally a desert, but Wren and Demi have brought climate controls to Mota, changing the planet into a lush subtropical garden. These systems are all monitored by Daughter. However, since the Native Motavians are best suited for life in the desert, many predominantly Native Motavian areas on Mota have purposely been left arid.


Dezoris, more commonly known as Dezo, is the third world of the Algo system. Locked in a mild but eternal winter, Dezo is the home of the Algoian Faith. The Dezorian governor, unlike the governors of other worlds, is appointed to his position for life, as he also acts as Bishop. Besides the native Dezorian population, Dezo is also home to a large Palman minority, as well as the Espers, a race of magic users. Dezo also boasts the largest Musk Cat population in the system.


Zelan is a city-sized space station which follows an orbit opposite that of Mota. Zelan is the home of Wren, Demi, and many other androids who work fervently night and day to improve the lives of Algoians. Daughter's core system is located here, as well.


Kuran is a space station very similar to Zelan, but it follows an orbit opposite of Dezo, on the very outskirts of Algoian space. Kuran acts as a "port of entry" for traffic coming into Algo from other star systems. It is a galactic crossroads visited by dozens of different spacefaring races. Some of these are friendly. Others are not.

Beyond Algo


Vendai is the star nearest Algo. It is very much like Algo in age and intensity, and it also boasts a planetary system of its own.


Trask is a desert world which orbits Vendai. A number of Native Motavians have settled on this world, as the desert regions of Mota have become somewhat crowded. Trask has its own governor who is equal in power to the governors of the Algoian worlds. It also has its own seats in the Algoian Assembly. The Native Motavian population of Trask numbers in the hundreds of thousands.


Stoi'ra is the moon of the planet Stoi'la IV, which remains untouched by Algoian settlers. Similar to Kuran, Stoi'ra is a major crossroads for interstellar travellers. It acts a sort of massive spacedock and free port, and is visited by members of every race that is known to the Algoians (as well as some that aren't). Stoi'ra is a favorite of the Dezorians because of its icy climate, and millions of Dezorians have made it their home. Like Trask, Stoi'ra has its own governor and seats in the Assembly.