Abilities After Level 99

Some time ago, there was a rather heated debate concerning the full limit of Rika's abilities. My friend Mike Ripplinger suggested that Rika had special powers approaching those of the great Lutz. Mike's opponent in the argument, in spite of the evidence, rejected this theory completely, stating that Rika's abilities at experience level 99 totally encompass the maximum extent of her power. Rika is not capable of doing anything which she cannot do at level 99, this person argued.

However, that assertion is simply and obviously untrue. A theory regarding this issue is not even necessary, as there numerous examples throughout the Phantasy Star games of characters who are able to learn new abilities even after reaching their maximum level.

Examples of characters who can learn new abilities after reaching their maximum level include:

As you can clearly see, characters can learn new abilities even after they have exhausted their statistical growth in strength by reaching level 99.