Gryz and Odin's Axe

In Phantasy Star IV, when Gryz rejoins Chaz's team for the final battle against the Profound Darkness, he is equipped with a laconian axe. This is interesting because laconia, the strongest and most vaulable metal in all of Algo, can only be found on the planet Dezolis, and Gryz never went to Dezolis. So how did Gryz get a laconian axe?

My theory is that Gryz's laconian axe is the same Laconian Axe that once belonged to Odin, the warrior who traveled with Alis Landale two thousand years before Phantasy Star IV. Nothing is known of Odin's life after his adventure with Alis. I think that he must have traveled back to Motavia and left his very special axe there. Gryz then obtained the axe before meeting Chaz and friends at the spaceport.

So, where was the axe stashed for those two thousand years? There is no way of telling. Perhaps the axe had been in the care of the Motavians for centuries, and Grandfather Dorin entrusted Gryz with it. Or maybe Gryz went on a solo quest to find the legendary weapon while Chaz and the others were busy. Or maybe Demi and Hahn accompanied Gryz on his quest for Odin's legendary weapon. All of these are possibilities. Unfortunately, we have no clues to draw from.

But still the fact remains that it is impossible to obtain laconian items on Motavia. And since Gryz never left Motavia, the only possibility is that the axe was left on the desert planet by a space-faring warrior from long ago. And the only such warrior we know of who was in possession of a laconian axe is Odin.

I am very fond of this theory simply because it involves Odin and his magical weapon, both of which went completely without mention after the original Phantasy Star game. If one agrees with the idea that Elsydeon is the laconian sword used by Alis, Odin's axe is the only weapon of the PS1 heroes that doesn't play an important role in PS4. This theory allows that unfortunate omission to be repaired.

Also, it might be argued that Gryz's axe must not be anything special, because it can be sold or dropped just like any normal item. Please remember that the same is also true of Myau's Silver Tusk and Noah's Frade Mantle. Even Noah's precious Psycho-Wand can be abandoned by equipping it on Raja before he succumbs to the Black Energy Wave sickness. The Elsydeon, then, is actually the only one of the legendary weapons that cannot be lost in some way.