Orakians and Technique Usage
None of the purely Orakian characters in Phantasy Star III can use techniques, and the game's instruction book confirms that techniques are something unique to Layans, as well as cyborgs. There is, however, much reason to question the assertion that no Orakians can use technques.
First, there are Technique Distribution shops in every Orakian town except for Satera. If no Orakians can use techniques, then how do the Technique Distribution shops stay in business? There is no evidence that any sort of business other than technique distribution goes on in the shops, so that is not an option. Nor can it be said that that the shops are kept open by cyborg customers, because in some places cyborgs are exceptionally rare. An example is Landen dome during the game's first generation. We know that some cyborgs other than Mieu must have existed in the dome because the ship captain in Rysel says he never sails without a cyborg on board. Yet, not a single cyborg other than Mieu is ever seen within the dome during the first generation. Clearly, cyborgs must be very rare. This notion is further supported by the fact that the man in Ilan who wishes to use the captain's ship has no idea where to find a cyborg. If cyborgs are even somewhat common, shouldn't the man at least have an idea of where to look? Obviously, cyborgs could never be solely responsible for keeping the three Technique Distribution shops in Landen dome open.
More importantly, each town in the game except for Satera is home to a healer who can revive those who have lost all of their Hit Points. There are only two ways to revive a fallen ally. These are the Rever technique and the Moon Dew item. Moon Dew is only available in the Layan towns of Cille and Shusoran in Aquatica dome, and much later in the dungeon of Skyhaven, so obviously the healers of Landen do not have access to it. The only remaining possibility is that Orakian healers revive the fallen through use of the Rever technique.
It is commonly thought that some person at some point in Phantasy Star III says that Layans use techniques and Orakians do not, but that is simply untrue. It is said by an Orakian during Rhys' quest that Layans have strange powers, but this cannot refer to technique usage. Why? Because Technique Distribution shops are in every Alisian town other than Satera, so clearly, Orakians are familiar with what techniques are. And, of course, all Orakian healers use techniques.
There is one more piece of evidence. The game's instruction book lists each type of weapon and armor to be found in the game and states that only one type of person (Orakian men, Layan women, cyborgs, etc.) can use each. For example, the book says, "Layan women hurl Slicers to slash all enemies." However, we know from Lune that slicer usage is not limited to Layan women, for Lune uses a slicer and is a Layan male. Similarly, if only Orakian cyborgs can use shots, as the book states, why are some of the most powerful shots sold in all-Layan towns in largely Layan (or even entirely Layan) domes?
The answer is that the guidelines set in the instruction book apply to player characters only. This much is made obvious by the examples given above. So, it follows that when the book says that only Layans and cyborgs can use techniques, it is only referring to characters within the pool of characters that are playable.
Also, it should be noted that the instruction book says that techniques are only used by cyborgs and Laya's descendants. Obviously, not all Layans are descended from Laya herself. In fact, it appears that Laya had no children whatsoever. This further casts into doubt the practice of taking what the book says literally.
Do not misunderstand. I am not trying to say that technique usage among Orakians is as common as it is among Layans, nor do I believe that Orakian technique users are especially skillful at the craft. But I do believe it is undeniable that some Orakians can use some techniques.