Enter: The Ryan Theories?

So who was this Ryan guy anyway...?

Regardless of whether or not one believes in my Thea Theories, one question relating to this tangled web still remains. And that question is, what was Ryan's life like in Ayn's world? We only see Ryan if we play as Nial, which makes one wonder what would have happened to Ryan in a world where Nial never lived.

Surely Ryan would still have been born. The way I look at it, it seems most likely to me that, since he did not rescue Thea, he never rose up in opposition to Lune (although we learn in Divisia that somebody did). This means Ryan never lost his eye. Did he live his life peacefully in his hometown, which I believe was Endora? Did he travel to Elysium? Did he face Lune and die? Or win? It's interesting to think about!

Ryan is a mysterious character, perhaps the most mysterious in all of Phantasy Star. And he is probably the most underrated as well. He is underestimated as a warrior. He is dismissed as a character. He is overlooked as a hero. He is never even given the dignity of having his face seen, or his fate made known. And I think this is a shame. There was a lot of potential in the character of Ryan. I would have enjoyed learning more about him.