Holy Potatoes! A Weapon Shop?! (Switch) patch notes
1.0.4 (17 December 2018)
- Dirk getting stale? Delicious new promotional weapons have arrived!
- The analog stick can now be used to navigate menus when the cursor is locked!
- D-pad can now be held down to navigate menus easily.
- Your last viewed weapon in the Forge menu is now remembered by the Potato Gods.
- Improved the quality of art assets in the User Interface!
User Experience
- Game should now run much faster when the Switch is docked.
- Improved visual quality of Smith movements and animations.
- Camera now zooms out when the Smith Panel is opened.
- Increased the interactable size of stations and Smiths.
- Smiths that are away are now more clearly indicated when Assigning Smiths.
- Order of languages when selecting the game language is now consistent.
- The first dialogue choice is now not selected by default, giving you time to react.
- Camera movements when assigning Smiths are now much smoother.
- Increased the camera panning speed.
- Increased the cursor speed.
- Improved D-pad navigation in the Journal.
- Improved D-pad navigation in the Smith Panel.
- Improved D-pad navigation in the Shop Upgrade menu.
- Improved D-pad navigation when assigning Smiths.
- The Whetsapp scrolling experience is now more flavorful.
- Added sounds to various menus.
- Improved variation of menu sounds.
- Fixed language preference not immediately saving when changed.
- Fixed viewing item details in Explore Area menu sometimes causing D-pad to stop working.
- Fixed Smiths in the Research menu being too friendly and overlapping.
- Fixed viewing 'All' weapons in Sell Weapons menu not showing your weapons.
- Fixed a Whetsapp bug that occurs when there are a few messages.
- Fixed able to select the auto-save slot for Saving.
- Fixed second choice in cutscenes being slightly smaller.
- Fixed Area Event duration texts being slightly obstructed by the Objective panel.
- Fixed visual artefacts on text when forging.
- Fixed several cases of text overflowing.
- Fixed several cases of non-localised text.
- Other miscellaneous files.
Source: official website
1.0.3 (6 August 2018)
- Fixed smith stats becoming inflated when playing the game in certain languages.
- Fixed duplicate weapons appearing in the Weapon Request submit page.
- Fixed load game panel being hidden when the player loses the game.
- Fixed missing values in the pop-up that shows when a smith returns to shop.
- Fixed various minor language-related text problems.
- Save slots can now be correctly selected with the cursor.
- Fixed issues with the Whetsapp D-pad selection frame.
- Improved readability of Whetsapp text.
- The ZL/ZR buttons can now be used to view Starch Reports of different years.
- The D-pad can now be used to scroll the Starch Report.
Source: Twitter post
1.0.2 (19 July 2018)
- Fixed player unable to go to the next region.
- Fixed game crashing when the game is saved and the player has too much content.
- Player is now able to correctly select enchantments with the cursor.
- Fixed missing textures in the Golden Hammer Awards.
- Fixed a rare bug where menu items would not appear in an area.
- Player can now correctly use shortcut buttons in the Golden Hammer Awards when the cursor is active.
- Panning and scrolling of the camera with touch controls should feel much more responsive and fluid now.
- Additional minor improvements to the UI.
Source: Twitter post
1.0.1 (12 July 2018)
User Interface
- Fixed missing shop locked item images in the shop upgrade menu.
- Fixed missing particle effects in some panels.
- Fixed pressing B repeatedly while loading causing the game to never finish loading.
- Fixed pressing A repeatedly while loading causing strange visual bugs.
- Fixed opening the controls page not pausing the game in the tutorial.
- Fixed closing the controls page incorrectly resuming the game.
- Fixed starting a recruitment drive not pausing the game at the pop-up.
- Played is no longer able to pan the camera out of the world when a pop-up is shown.
- Fixed text overflowing issues in different languages.
- Fixed Russian texts not using the correct font in various parts of the game.
- Fixed not being able to fast-forward the tutorial text after the first weapon has been sold.
- Fixed only being able to assign away smiths to the Design Station in the tutorial.
- Fixed various tutorial-related bugs that cause loss in control.
- Fixed light-beam remaining on Laura Craft in the tutorial under certain conditions.
- Fixed screen wipe animation incorrectly playing at certain stages of the game.
- Fixed being able to assign away smiths to already occupied stations.
- Fixed various D-pad selection frame visual bugs.
- Fixed being able to interact with disabled panels via a combination of inputs.
- Fixed various tooltip-related bugs.
- Fixed various cursor-related bugs that allowed clicking on things that weren't supposed to be clicked on.
- Fixed various touch-related bugs that caused the D-pad to no longer work.
- Fixed strange D-pad bugs occurring when two buttons are pressed simultaneously.
- Fixed tooltips being shown and buttons remaining highlighted when the cursor is hidden.
- Fixed cursor not hiding sometimes when it is locked.
- Fixed cursor showing for a brief second at the start of the game.
- Fixed camera being able to pan when pop-ups and cutscenes are shown.
- Fixed pressing A at the weapon chest page entering the world map when the button is not shown.
- Fixed various miscellaneous minor bugs with overlapping sprites.
- Fixed flickering of buttons when some menus are opened.
- Fixed flickering of smith light-beams when the smith panel is opened.
- Fixed clicking on a disabled button in the Manage Smith panel closing the panel.
- Fixed loading a corrupted save file causing a loss in D-pad control.
- Fixed Golden Hammer awards text advancing twice per click when cursor is shown.
Sound & Music
- Fixed world map music still playing when changing regions.
- Fixed shop music sometimes playing in the world map after seasons have changed.
- Fixed some menu sounds playing multiple times on user interaction.
- Fixed BGM restarting whenever the music volume is changed.
- Added a clicking animation to the cursor.
- Added a pop-up to inform the player when the save file is corrupted.
- Increased the pan limits of the camera when zoomed in.
- Increased shop upgrade and assign smith menu opening & closing speeds.
- Reordered hiring options to show cheapest item first.
- Added many sounds to certain menus and pop-ups for a better ex-peel-rience.
- Added ability to touch and hold on weapon weapon request icons to show weapon requirements.
- Weapon request information can now be opened before the drawer is shown fully.
- Forge and Weapon Chest menus now respond better to using the cursor, D-pad and touch.
- Added a notification that shows when trying to unlock an unlocked area.
- Added tooltips to buttons in the Manage Smith panel.
- Improved D-pad selection logic in the Select Activity page.
- General UI positioning improvements.
- Feed Dog button is now accessible by pressing D-pad right from the top stats bar.
- Your dog now barks in appreciation when fed. Good boy!
Source: Twitter post