Addendums to The Thea Theories

What follows are small, simple theories I have developed that either elaborate upon or add further support for claims made in The Thea Theories.

1.) The Fate of Lensol

You may have noticed that, in Nial's world, the kingdom of Lensol has a royal family and a populated castle. In Ayn's world, however, the castle is completely devoid of life and remains so for the rest of the game. Why should this be, especially when we know from the dialogue of castle residents in Nial's world that the one major event in Lensol's history (the capture and confinement of Thea in Lensol's dungeon, thanks to Siren) is the same in both timelines?

The answer, it seems to me, must be the one and only factor that is different in the two worlds -- Rhys. But how could Rhys affect events worlds away from his home in either Landen or Cille? Allow me to explain how I think it happened.

Say Rhys marries Lena and becomes king of Landen and Satera. Some time later, Siren awakens and comes to Lensol. Siren asks the king of Lensol to lend his assistance to the cyborg war against the Layans. Being a loyal Orakian (and we know Lensol was loyal to its Orakian heritage due to the dialogue of Lensol town residents in all four third generation scenarios), the king of Lensol agrees to Siren's request. Siren uses the resources he has procured at Lensol to attack Cille and Shusoran. Siren kidnaps Thea and locks her away in Lensol's dungeon. However, the relationship between Siren and Lensol remains peaceful. And so, Lensol goes on having a royal family.

Now, let us say that Rhys marries Maia and becomes king of Cille. This time when Siren asks the king of Lensol to help him fight the Layans, the king of Lensol refuses, citing that it is unthinkable for him to go to war against a fellow Orakian king -- Rhys -- even if Rhys does rule a Layan land. However, since Siren is determined to have the resources at Lensol regardless of what the king says, he exterminates the royal family and their army and makes himself master of the kingdom. Afterwards, the siege of Cille and Shusoran goes as planned, and once again, Thea is abducted and locked in Lensol's dungeon. In this scenario, however, Lensol is left with no royal family of its own.

And that's why Lensol is such a different place in Ayn's world than it is in Nial's world, despite the fact that the Layans' destruction and Thea's abduction are the same in both worlds.

Incidentally, I believe Techna befell much the same fate as Lensol. When Siren awoke and burst forth from Techna's catacombs, a mad cyborg fully armed suddenly appearing in Techna castle, I believe the Technans fought against him. But Siren, being so powerful, was able to lay the castle to waste. This is why Techna's castle is empty, too.

2.) The Fate of Azura

One of the proofs I have offered for my Thea Theories is that certain events happen during the course of Phantasy Star III regardless of what characters are played. And one such event I mentioned was the destruction of Azura. The evidence I gave for Azura's destruction (in the non-Sean worlds) was the fact that the shuttle that used to lead to Azura is absent in all timelines. However, although this has worked well enough as evidence, it was certainly not proof, and I wanted proof.

I am happy to report that I now have some.

It is really quite simple. Try going to the ruins of Cille in any of the four timelines. You will soon find that you cannot. You can pass through Shusoran easily enough, but when you reach Shusoran's northern coast, where the sand bar to Cille is supposed to appear, it does not.

We know from the quest of Rhys that only one factor determines whether or not the sand bar appears, and that factor is the moons. Both moons must be in a certain orbit near the ship or else the sand bar will not appear. And since the sand bar does not appear, we know for certain that Azura is not where it should be.

It could be argued that some unknown party has used the Satellite Control System in Aridia to move Azura from its proper orbit. However, this is highly unlikely, if not impossible. Why? Because the Moon Stone and Moon Tear buckles, which are necessary for operating the Satellite Control System, belonged to the royal families of Satera and Shusoran. Regardless of what scenario is played, the third generation main character is the heir to one or possibly even both of those kingdoms. Therefore, the final main character's family would have to be a party to moving the moons, yet there is no evidence of any known character taking part in any such thing.

Furthermore, on the one occasion when the Satellite Control System is shown in action, both moons are moved. But, in the third generation, it appears that Dahlia has not moved at all since Rhys' time. So, it is doubtful that Azura could have been moved while Dahlia stayed in its rightful place.

And there you have it. Because the sand bar to Cille does not appear, Azura must not be where it should be. And since moving Azura by use of the Satellite Control System is so unlikely as to practically be impossible, one can only assume that the moon is destroyed in all timelines just as it is in Sean's.